This is a tarball of the directory of notes and patches that I use to
maintain my UW-IMAP ( installation.

It applies to imap-2004 (and imap-2002e).

On my system I apply a patch to UW-IMAP to allow a directory to also
be a mailbox. The true mailbox is stored in a flat file within a
directory which then proxies for this real mailbox. I do this for UNIX
and MBX format.

This used to be a tarball of just the "directory as a mail box" patch
that was meant for more general use, without stuff that refered to my
installation. But I got tired of maintaining that, and I was not sure
any one cared about it, so I removed it. Later I got some E-mail from
people who had come to this link from the UW-IMAP mailing list
archive (e.g.,

and were interested in using my UW-IMAP patch.

So I simply tar-ed and gzip-ed my own notes, and put it here.

The "directory as a mailbox" patch is separate from my own configuration
patch. Hopefully the notes are clear (see the file "notes"). You will
have to ignore the notes that are only relevant to my system, and change
the references to directories in the sample commands.

If you decide to use or adapt my configuration patch too, since I
change the location of IMAP inbox, you will need to to use "dmail" or
"tmail" to deliver mail.

I use procmail to deliver mail (from sendmail) and my "/etc/procmailrc"
file contains (among other things):

# drop out of root

# specify shell for command execution

# avoid sending log messages back to sender

# dump environment for debugging
#:0 Wic
#| env | logger -t procmailrc

# deliver to IMAP inbox
| dmail

Good luck. And thanks for the interest. No warranty!

Send comments to:

  gnudip at users dot sf dot net