@rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto endofperl :WinNT perl -x -S "%0" %* if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH. if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul goto endofperl @rem '; #!/usr/bin/perl #line 15 ##################################################### # gdipc.pl # # This is the GnuDIP command line client. # # See COPYING for licensing information # # Derived from GnuDIP 2.1.2 written by: # # Mike Machado # ##################################################### # locate ourselves use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; # PERL packages and options use warnings; use strict; use Socket; use Getopt::Std; use English; use Win32; use Win32::Process; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); # suffix for config file my $cfgsuff = '.txt'; # get program name my $pgm = $0; if ($pgm =~ /^.*\/(.+?)$/) { $pgm = $1; } # process command line sub usage { print STDOUT <$logfile"); close STDERR; open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); # auto flush all output select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; } elsif ($opt_a) { $logfile = $opt_a; close STDOUT; open(STDOUT, ">>$logfile"); close STDERR; open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); # auto flush all output select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; } elsif ($opt_o) { $logfile = $opt_o; close STDOUT; open(STDOUT, ">$logfile"); close STDERR; open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); # auto flush all output select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; } # asking for help? if ($opt_h) { usage(); } # asking for version? if ($opt_v) { print "This is $pgm: Version 2.3\n"; exit; } # default port for address validation my $sendport; my $recvport = 0; # behind gateway? if ($opt_g) { if ($opt_g =~ /^([0-9]*)\:([0-9]*)$/) { $sendport = $1; $recvport = $2; } else { print "Invalid send/receive port specification for -g option\n"; usage(); } } # timeout interval $opt_w = 1 if ! $opt_w; #interactive mode? if ($opt_i) { interactive(); exit; } # get config file name my $configfile = ''; if ($opt_f) { $configfile = $opt_f; } elsif($ENV{'HOME'}) { $configfile = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.GnuDIP2' . $cfgsuff; } else { # get path to our parent directory my $binpath = $FindBin::Bin; $configfile = $binpath . '/gdipc.conf' . $cfgsuff; } if ($configfile =~ /(.*)/) { $configfile = $1; } # setting preferences? if ($opt_c) { setprefs(); exit; } # variable for address returned by -q my $queryaddress; # hash of addresses already checked for validity my %chkaddr; # flag to indicate address(es) changed my $addrchange; # setting offline or not daemon mode? if ($opt_r or ! defined $opt_d or ! $opt_d) { # do one run one_run(); exit; } # daemon mode # milliseconds to wait my $wait = 1000 * $opt_d; # path to perl executable my $path = $EXECUTABLE_NAME; # construct command line my $command = $path . ' ' . $PROGRAM_NAME; $command .= " -f \"$opt_f\"" if $opt_f; $command .= " -o \"$opt_o\"" if $opt_o; $command .= " -a \"$opt_a\"" if $opt_a; $command .= " -a \"$opt_l\"" if $opt_l; $command .= " -w \"$opt_w\"" if $opt_w; $command .= " -f \"$opt_f\"" if $opt_f; $command .= " -g \"$opt_g\"" if $opt_g; $command .= " -q \"$opt_q\"" if $opt_q; $command .= " -x \"$opt_x\"" if $opt_x; # for trouble shooting #print "Windows daemon mode\n"; #print "path: $path\n"; #print "command: $command\n"; # repeat forever ... while (1) { # variable for process object my $process; # spawn command if (! Win32::Process::Create( $process, $path, $command, 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, '.')) { print "Error creating process ...\n"; print Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError()); exit; } # wait before spawning again Win32::Sleep($wait); # kill previous interation if still running $process->Kill(255); } ##################################################### # subroutines ##################################################### # perform one run of the client action sub one_run { # print heading my $now_string = localtime; print "==== $pgm running: $now_string ====\n"; print "Configuration file name: $configfile\n"; # any old query result expired undef $queryaddress; # open configuration file if (!open(CONFIG,"$configfile")) { print "You must first set up your preferences with \"$pgm -c\"\n"; exit 1; } # what server action? my $serveraction; if ($opt_g and !$opt_q) { # update asking for IP address $serveraction = '2'; } elsif ($opt_r) { # offline request $serveraction = '1'; } else { # update passing IP address $serveraction = '0'; } # no addresses validated yet %chkaddr = (); # no addresses have changed $addrchange = ''; # check address and update address at servers while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); next if !$line; my ($username, $domain, $serverip, $password, $cachefile, $mintime, $maxtime) = split(/;/, $line); if (!$username or !$domain or !$serverip or !$password or !$cachefile or ! defined $mintime or $mintime eq '' or ! defined $maxtime or $maxtime eq '') { print "Ignoring bad line found in configuration file:\n==> $line\n"; next; } sendlogin( $username, $password, $domain, $serverip, $serveraction, $cachefile, $mintime, $maxtime); } close(CONFIG); # need to run address change script? if ($opt_x and $addrchange) { my $cmd = $opt_x; foreach my $addr (keys %chkaddr) { $cmd .= " $addr" if $chkaddr{$addr}; } # flush before command select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; #$cmd =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; #system(shellwords($cmd)); system($cmd); } } # do interactive mode sub interactive { print "Using Interactive Mode\n"; print "Username: "; chomp(my $username = ); print "Domain: "; chomp(my $domain = ); print "Connect by direct TCP (d) or web server (w) [d]: "; chomp(my $srvtype = ); $srvtype = 'd' if !($srvtype eq 'd' or $srvtype eq 'w'); print "GnuDIP Server - host[:port]: "; chomp(my $serverip = ); my $url; if ($srvtype eq 'w') { print "Server URL [/gnudip/cgi-bin/gdipupdt.cgi]: "; chomp(my $url = ); $url = '/gnudip/cgi-bin/gdipupdt.cgi' if !$url; $serverip = "http://$serverip$url"; } print "Password: "; chomp(my $password = ); $password = md5_hex($password); # what server action? my $serveraction; if ($opt_g and !$opt_q) { # update asking for IP address $serveraction = '2'; } elsif ($opt_r) { # offline request $serveraction = '1'; } else { # update passing IP address $serveraction = '0'; } # update address at server sendlogin($username, $password, $domain, $serverip, $serveraction); } # set preferences sub setprefs { print "Using Update Configuration Mode\n"; print "Configuration file name: $configfile\n"; print "Username: "; chomp(my $username = ); print "Domain: "; chomp(my $domain = ); print "Connect by direct TCP (d) or web server (w) [d]: "; chomp(my $srvtype = ); $srvtype = 'd' if !($srvtype eq 'd' or $srvtype eq 'w'); print "GnuDIP Server - host[:port]: "; chomp(my $serverip = ); my $url; if ($srvtype eq 'w') { print "Server URL [/gnudip/cgi-bin/gdipupdt.cgi]: "; chomp(my $url = ); $url = '/gnudip/cgi-bin/gdipupdt.cgi' if !$url; $serverip = "http://$serverip$url"; } print "Password: "; chomp(my $password = ); $password = md5_hex($password); my $cachefile = ''; if ($configfile =~ /^(.*)\/(.+?)$/) { my $cachedir = $1; my $cachename = $2; if ($cachename =~ /^(.+?)\..*$/) { $cachename = $1; } $cachefile = "$cachedir/$cachename.cache.$username.$domain" . $cfgsuff; } print "Cache File [$cachefile]: "; chomp(my $newcache = ); $cachefile = $newcache if $newcache ne ''; # trust $cachefile if ($cachefile =~ /(.*)/) { $cachefile = $1; } my $mintime = '0'; print "Minimum Seconds Between Updates [$mintime]: "; chomp(my $newmin = ); $mintime = $newmin if $newmin ne ''; my $maxtime = '2073600'; print "Maximum Seconds Between Updates [$maxtime]: "; chomp(my $newmax = ); $maxtime = $newmax if $newmax ne ''; # update configuration file my @oldconfig = (); if (open(CONFIG, "$configfile")) { while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); next if !$line; push @oldconfig, ($line); } close(CONFIG); } open(CONFIG, ">$configfile") or die "Could not create configuration file $configfile: $!\n"; foreach my $line (@oldconfig) { my ($oldusername, $olddomain) = split(/;/, $line); if ($oldusername ne $username || $olddomain ne $domain) { print CONFIG "$line\n"; } } print CONFIG "$username;$domain;$serverip;$password;$cachefile;$mintime;$maxtime\n"; close(CONFIG); chmod 0600, $configfile; # initialise cache file open(CACHE, ">$cachefile") or die "Could not create cache file $cachefile: $!\n"; print CACHE ";0\n"; close(CACHE); chmod 0600, $cachefile; } # check address and connect to server to send update sub sendlogin { my $username = shift; my $password = shift; my $domain = shift; my $serverip = shift; my $serveraction = shift; my $cachefile = shift; my $mintime = shift; my $maxtime = shift; # trust $serverip if ($serverip =~ /(.*)/) { $serverip = $1; } # last three arguments passed? my $cacheip = ''; my $cachetime = '0'; if (! $cachefile) { $mintime = 0; $maxtime = 0; } else { # trust $cachefile if ($cachefile =~ /(.*)/) { $cachefile = $1; } print "Cache file name: $cachefile\n"; # read cache if (open(CACHE, "$cachefile")) { my $line = ; if ($line) { chomp($line); ($cacheip, $cachetime) = split(/;/,$line); } close(CACHE); } } # requesting offline, but already offline? if (!$opt_i and $serveraction eq '1' and $cacheip eq '') { print "No update done for $username.$domain - already offline\n"; return; } # use query command to get address? callquery() if $serveraction eq '0' and $opt_q and !$queryaddress; # current time my $timenow = time; # update wanted but not needed? if (($serveraction eq '0' or $serveraction eq '2') and $cacheip ne '') { # maximum time not exceeded? if ($timenow < ($cachetime + $maxtime)) { # address still valid? if (checkaddress($cacheip)) { print "No update done for $username.$domain - $cacheip still valid\n"; return; } # not enough time gone by? if ($timenow < ($cachetime + $mintime)) { print "No update from $cacheip done for $username.$domain - too soon\n"; return; } } } # get server type, address, port and URL my $srvtype = 'd'; my ($serverhost, $serverport, $url); if ($serverip =~ /^http:\/\/(.*?)(\/.*)$/) { # web server $srvtype = 'w'; $serverip = $1; $url = $2; ($serverhost, $serverport) = split(/:/, $serverip . ':80'); } else { # direct TCP connection ($serverhost, $serverport) = split(/:/, $serverip . ':3495'); } # start the update print "Attempting update at $serverhost ...\n"; my $inet_addr = gethostbyname($serverhost); if (!$inet_addr) { print "Could not do DNS lookup for $serverhost\n"; return; } my $paddr = sockaddr_in($serverport, $inet_addr); # connect to server socket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); if (!connect(SERVER, $paddr)) { print "Could not connect to $serverhost:$serverport\n"; return; } # set autoflush on select(SERVER); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); # retrieve the salt (et al) my $salt; my $gentime; my $checkval; # HTTP headers my $httphdrs = "HTTP/1.0\r User-Agent: GnuDIP/2.3.5\r Pragma: no-cache\r Host: $serverhost:$serverport\r \r "; # direct TCP connection if ($srvtype eq 'd') { $salt = ; $salt = '' if ! defined $salt; chomp($salt); # web server } else { #print "GET $url $httphdrs"; print SERVER "GET $url $httphdrs"; my %resp = (); while (my $line = ) { $line = '' if ! defined $line; chomp($line); #print "$line\n"; if ($line =~ /^$/) { $resp{$1} = $2; } } close SERVER; $salt = $resp{'salt'}; $gentime = $resp{'time'}; $checkval = $resp{'sign'}; # reconnect socket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); if (!connect(SERVER, $paddr)) { print "Could not reconnect to $serverhost:$serverport\n"; return; } select(SERVER); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); } # got a salt? if (!$salt) { print "Server did not send salt for $username.$domain\n"; close SERVER; return; } # get our IP address my $ip; # have address from query? if ($queryaddress) { $ip = $queryaddress; # get IP address of our end of connection } else { my $client_addr = getsockname(SERVER); if (!$client_addr) { print "Could not get our IP address for $username.$domain\n"; close(SERVER); return; } my ($port, $packed_ip) = sockaddr_in($client_addr); $ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip); } # salt and digest password $password = md5_hex("$password.$salt"); # send update to server and retrieve response my $response = ''; my $receivedip = ''; # direct TCP connection if ($srvtype eq 'd') { my $updmsg = "$username:$password:$domain:$serveraction"; $updmsg .= ":$ip" if $serveraction eq '0'; print SERVER "$updmsg\n"; $response = ; close SERVER; $response = '' if ! defined $response; chomp($response); if ($response =~ /^(.*):(.*)$/) { $response = $1; $ip = $2; $receivedip = 1; } # web server } else { my $updmsg = "salt=$salt&time=$gentime&sign=$checkval&user=$username&" . "pass=$password&domn=$domain&reqc=$serveraction"; $updmsg .= "&addr=$ip" if $serveraction eq '0'; #print "GET $url?$updmsg $httphdrs"; print SERVER "GET $url?$updmsg $httphdrs"; my %resp = (); while (my $line = ) { $line = '' if ! defined $line; chomp($line); #print "$line\n"; if ($line =~ /^$/) { $resp{$1} = $2; } } close SERVER; $response = $resp{'retc'} if defined $resp{'retc'}; if (defined $resp{'addr'}) { $ip = $resp{'addr'}; $receivedip = 1; } } # got a response? if ($response eq '') { print "Server did not respond to login attempt for $username.$domain\n"; return; } # check response if ($response eq '0') { if ($serveraction eq '2' and !$receivedip) { print "Server did not send IP address for $username.$domain\n"; } else { if ($cachefile) { if (!open(CACHE, ">$cachefile")) { print "Could not write cache file $cachefile: $!\n"; } else { print CACHE "$ip;$timenow\n"; close(CACHE); # address changed? $addrchange = 1 if $cacheip ne $ip; # good address (was not tested if past max time)) $chkaddr{$ip} = 1; } print "Update to address $ip from $cacheip successful for $username.$domain\n"; } else { print "Update to address $ip successful for $username.$domain\n"; } } } elsif ($response eq '1') { print "Invalid login attempt for $username.$domain\n"; } elsif ($response eq '2') { if ($cachefile) { if (!open(CACHE, ">$cachefile")) { print "Could not write cache file $cachefile: $!\n"; } else { print CACHE ";$timenow\n"; close(CACHE); # address changed? $addrchange = 1 if $cacheip ne ''; } } print "Offline request successful for $username.$domain\n"; } else { print "Server sent invalid response to login attempt for $username.$domain\n"; } } # check whether an address is valid # - sends random data to the address # - if it receives it back the address is good sub checkaddress { # get parameter my $testip = shift; return '' if ! defined $testip; # trust $testip if ($testip =~ /(.*)/) { $testip = $1; } # already checked this address? return $chkaddr{$testip} if defined $chkaddr{$testip}; # assume bad address $chkaddr{$testip} = ''; # have address from query? if ($queryaddress) { # address the same? if ($testip ne $queryaddress) { print "Address returned by \"-q\" does not match cached address\n"; return ''; } # good address $chkaddr{$testip} = 1; return 1; } # generate a test value my $testdata = randomsalt(); # print a trace to STDERR? my $trace = ''; #$trace = 1; # bind socket for receive socket(RECEIVE, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')) || die "socket for RECEIVE failed in checkaddress: $!\n"; setsockopt(RECEIVE, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt failed in checkaddress: $!\n"; bind(RECEIVE, sockaddr_in($recvport, INADDR_ANY)) || die "bind failed in checkaddress: $!\n"; # random port being used to receive? (no gateway?) ($sendport) = sockaddr_in(getsockname(RECEIVE)) if $recvport eq 0; # send packet socket(SEND, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')) || die "socket for SEND failed in checkaddress: $!\n"; if (! send(SEND, $testdata, 0, sockaddr_in($sendport, inet_aton($testip)))) { close SEND; close RECEIVE; # not a good address print "Address validation failed for $testip - send failed: $!\n"; return ''; } print STDERR "sent data: $testdata\n" if $trace; close SEND; # wait for packet, with a timeout my $sin = ''; vec($sin, fileno(RECEIVE), 1) = 1; if (! select($sin, undef, undef, $opt_w)) { print STDERR "select failed\n" if $trace; close RECEIVE; # not a good address print "Address validation failed for $testip - UDP packet timed out\n"; return ''; } # receive it print STDERR "select succeeded\n" if $trace; recv(RECEIVE, my $check, 20, 0) || die "receive failed in checkaddress: $!\n"; close RECEIVE; print STDERR "received data: $check\n" if $trace; # data matches? if ($check ne $testdata) { print "Address validation failed for $testip - data not matched\n"; return ''; } # good address $chkaddr{$testip} = 1; return 1; } # call query command to get address sub callquery { # flush before command select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # call the command $queryaddress = `$opt_q`; my $retcode = $?; $retcode = $retcode >> 8; # command succeeded? if (! defined $queryaddress) { print "Query command failed - no ouput retrieved\n"; exit 1; } elsif ($retcode != 0) { print "Query command returned non-zero status: $retcode\n"; exit 1; } chomp($queryaddress); if (!$queryaddress) { print "Query command returned empty address\n"; exit 1; } print "Query command returned address $queryaddress\n"; } # make 10 character random string sub randomsalt { my @chars = ( 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9); my $str = ''; for (my $charcount = 0; $charcount < 10; $charcount++) { $str .= $chars[ rand @chars ]; } return $str; } __END__ :endofperl